
Social Media Promotes My Vanity

I decided to get rid of my Facebook and Instagram because as you can see in the title, it encourages me to be vain. Not exactly a characteristic that should be modeled in a follower of Christ. I noticed it for quite a while. I would care so much about who liked my photos or what people had commented on them. I would also look at other peoples pages or photos and either become jealous or more usually annoyed and judgmental at what they were doing or who they were with. I noticed this in myself, but I suppressed this knowledge because I didn't want to give the social media up. I mean if I give it up who will be able see all my cute pictures and tell me how pretty I'm looking covered in a filter? Or who can I brag to about where I am and all the fun I'm having? So I would deactivate my account and then come back to it later or delete the app and then download it a week later because I couldn't part with what had become a part of my life. I finally realized that having social media was causing me to sin and the only solution was to get rid of them permanently. I finally did, and it feels really good. I have gotten to the point where I really don't care as much any more, although sometimes I catch myself, after taking a picture, thinking "I should post that". 

I honestly think it would do everyone some good to get rid of their social media because it really isn't that important at all, and I would much rather catch up with you in person rather than knowing everything about your life in the instant it happens.

I may be the only one but I think probably for most of us the only thing social media does is make us brag, jealous, and vain. So if this is you, you might want to say goodbye.

Also, something that happened this week in regards to this topic:

At a shop:

Shop owner: Like us on Facebook! I'm sure all you young girls have one!

Me: Actually, I don't

Older lady shopping: You don't have a Facebook! How are you living? Even I have one!

I'm living quite nicely actually :)

P.S. I still struggle with vanity and getting rid of social media is not the cure! It's a constant struggle and one that I have to work on everyday with Christ's help, but getting rid of the social media is one drastic step in the right direction.

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