
Hi. I'm still here. And I have a list!

I can not even tell you how many blog posts run through my mind daily. I just never actually sit down to write them because sometimes it all makes sense up "there" but trying to get in down on paper (or a computer screen) is a lot more difficult.

But anyways, I'm back to this blogging thing...at least for now.

The other day I was getting really sentimental because it just occurred to me that I will never be eighteen ever again. I was thinking about someone being eighteen and what a wonderful age that is and then I kind of freaked out because I am twenty and it seems like eighteen was just a week ago. So basically, life flies by and I am going to be twenty-one in a few months and that doesn't seem right. But before I do turn twenty-one (and I hope to celebrate fantastically. I have never liked parties, but twenty-one seems like a year that deserves one) I want to share some things that I have learned over my twenty years of existence. And I will put them in list form because I love lists.

1. When you are thirteen and your mother constantly tells you to stand up straight, instead of rolling your eyes and continuing to slouch, put those shoulders back and stand up straight with your head held high. Because your twenty-year-old self will hate that slouching habit and will always regret the fact that she did not take her mother's advice.

2. Get over your fear of humans! I have realized how anti-social I can be when I am out and about. The waiter, cashier, and Starbucks barista are not just people who are their to serve me. They are humans who have souls that need Jesus! I see some of the same people over and over again. So why wouldn't I speak to them and try to build a relationship with them? Also, just being friendly to strangers in general is something that I have realized I need to do. Smile, be friendly, and talk to strangers, but don't take candy from them :)

3. If you are gluten-free because your stomach just does not like gluten, it is not worth it to eat gluten filled foods!!!! I can not tell you how many times I have given in and eaten the piece of cake or the cookie or the scone because it just looked so yummy!!! The stomach pain is NOT worth it people!

4. Read your Bible daily and read books that keep your focus on God. The flesh is so powerful and needs to be combated every day so feed yourself God's word!

5. Remember that everything you see on Instagram is pretty much false. People look their best online (filters can do a lot for a person) and everyone looks like they are having a blast, but in reality their lives are not perfect and sometimes those pictures that look like they came from an amazing night of fun and adventure are really faux.  I am not saying that everyone is lying or being deceptive about the pictures they post, but I am saying that even though someone may look like they have a fabulous life online does not mean that it is true.

6. Along the same lines as #5, Pinterest can make you very discontent. Don't believe everything you see. All those pictures of girls with perfect hair and clothes and those perfect houses are not all they seem to be. I have taken some pretty great pictures of my hair, but it does not look like that in person. Posing specific ways and filters do wonders I tell you! So instead of looking at those people and wishing you could be them because they are PERFECT remember what you see online is not truth.

7.  Exercise! Not so you can weigh a certain number or be the skinniest girl. But because it is healthy and makes your body feel so much better. Get into good habits now so they will stay with you as you age (I'm still working on this one!).

8. You don't need to have a boyfriend to be happy. I struggled for a while with wanting a boyfriend (or really just wanting guys to at least like me/ask me out) but when realizing how fast life goes I don't want to rush through my single years. Someday I would love to be married if that is what God has for me, but there are so many things I want to do before then and I don't want to waste my time wishing I could find someone. I want girls to understand that their lives can be so full and wonderful and to not waste their time pining over the wish of having a boyfriend. God has so much for us to do as single ladies!!!

9. Don't buy clothes that don't fit you properly. I have done this countless times and I have a closet PACKED with clothes that don't really fit great, which means I have a closet full of clothing that I don't wear. Less is more. Also, buy clothing you feel comfortable in. You won't wear that shirt with puffed sleeves because you don't feel comfortable in it!!!! And don't buy uncomfortable/cheap shoes because you won't wear those either!

10. Treat people the way you would want to be treated. I have so many regrets from high school because of the the way I treated people. It does not matter if they are awkward, smell bad, wear ugly clothes, or make rude comments. You treat them the way you would want to be treated!

11. Don't waste so much time on social media or the television. Life on earth is so short; don't live in front of a screen! There are so many exciting and important things we could/ should be doing. So do them!

12. Write hand written letters. Find someone who shares your love of hand written letters and write 'em.

13. Always ask for forgiveness. I was taught this at a young age. When you have wronged someone go to them, admit it, and ask for their forgiveness. Admit your sin to God too, even though he already knows what you have done. Go to Him in prayer and admit it.

14. Do not stress about college or your career. College is overwhelming. No one really tells you what is going on and you kind of have to figure it out, but do not stress over it. If it takes you seven years to get a degree, who cares! As long as you are serving God and living life along the way. I would rather take a longer time in school filled with ministry opportunities, mission trips, church service, family time, fun adventures, and lots of friends than missing out on all of life because you are so concerned with cramming so much school in so that you can finish in four years. P.s. you don't have to absolutely love the career that you choose. It's a job. It does not define you. Be thankful for the opportunity to learn and have an education because so many people do not have that blessing.

15. Do not try to promote yourself with the way you look or what you say. We are supposed to be ambassadors of Christ, which means we are supposed to promote Him and his character not our own agenda.

16. Be responsible with your money, but be generous with it. Be generous to your church and to others. There is nothing better than buying gifts for people just because.

17. You don't have to have the most friends or be the most popular. Look for people who are different than you or maybe don't have many friends and be a friend to them. Don't wait for people to be friendly to you. Be the person who makes the initiative to start a conversation.

18. Genuinely care about people. Ask questions about their lives and really listen. There have only been a few people that have really done that to me and it means so much.

19. Train your mind to think true, right, and pure thoughts. The only way I overcame my struggle with anxiety was (of course through God's strength) to train my mind to think on what is really true. When my mind would wander and start thinking "what if" I had to stop myself and put myself back on track. It is a mental discipline and it takes a long time to be able to automatically shift your thoughts back to what you should be thinking on, but it is necessary.

20.  Find your identity in Christ not in the clothes you wear, the hobbies you like, or the places you go. They do not satisfy! Instead of wanting to be known as "the hipster" or "the vintage lover" or "the sporty one" we should want to be identified as "the Christ follower" and our actions should lead people to come to that conclusion.

I haven't mastered any of these, but I'm growing!

Also, sorry for the extremely long post, but I mean it's been a while.


  1. These are great thoughts, Laynie! Thanks for sharing your heart! 😘
