
Don't waste the moments

I sometimes find myself praying "Lord, just get me through this day" when I wake up to a new day with a packed schedule. I just want to get through all the driving and school and more driving and work and homework and working out (maybe...lately I've been good). But this morning even though my first instinct was to think "ugh I have to wake up and start this all over again, JUST GET ME THROUGH IT" I stopped and prayed a different prayer. That God would not let me waste the moments that seem like something you just want to get through. If we keep trying to get through those moments what do you have left of life? Not much because my life isn't glamorous; Its pretty ordinary. Wishing away all those ordinary parts means you don't have much life left to live. And  God's plan is to use us in those ordinary "just get me through" moments. Every minute of life is supposed to be for Him, about Him, and to the glory of Him. So instead of asking God to get me through those moments, I want to slow down in those moments, enjoy them and seek God and His will in them. Use me, Oh Lord, in those moments.


  1. Great reminder! I find myself thinking the same thing far too often! Thanks Layn! :)

  2. I just read something recently about slowing life down, it said to give your full attention to whatever you are doing...I had to think about that! But it is true...all those mundane, ordinary things ARE our life and we need to be fully in them, for Him! I love you so much!! Mum
